Sunday, 7 July 2013

Meet the Council

The New CNM Council (2013-2014) was elected in for the next twelve months at the Annual General Meeting on 6th July 2013.  

The Council members are:

Tim James - Chair

Tim's involvement with CNM began about 11 years ago when he was a student studying in Bristol. Since then, he has remained actively involved within CNM and by serving on the Council for many years. He has been a qualified nurse for 10 years working within Paediatric Intensive Care. He and his wife (Rachael, also a nurse) live in Surrey with their baby daughter. 

Tim says 
There are many challenges that nursing in Great Britain is facing at the moment. Christian nurses share in these challenges, whilst some are also experiencing persecution of faith in Jesus. But despite this, I believe the challenges point to the need for Christian nurses to demonstrate and speak of the love of Jesus with our patients, families, colleagues and managers.  CNM is here to help Christian nurses with these challenges, by encouraging us through God’s word, the bible, and through the deepening of our relationship with Jesus. So please continue to support CNM by perhaps getting involved and telling your nursing friends/colleagues about us. As Chairman, I am always pleased to hear from members with any suggestions or concerns you have. I can be contacted through our website or through the CNM secretary, Steven Fouch at CMF offices.  God Bless. Tim. 

Liz Capper – 
Liz Capper is a nurse and midwife and trained 1963-1968. After 2 years in Kenya as a VSO, worked in London specialising in Gynaecology as Sister, nursing officer, Patient services manager then Chief nurse and Director of Quality at a West London Trust before retirement. At all stages seeking to be faithful in following Jesus and making Him known. She heads up the CNM Cardiff prayer group, has sat on the board of UCCF and was integral in setting up CNM.

Peter Swift
Peter Swift, RGN general nurse training at St James' University Hospital, Leeds, 1981-84, followed by RSCN paediatric course there 1989-90. Paediatric Intensive Care course 1993-94, Renal Replacement Therapies course 1996-97, King's College, London.
Age 55, married. Born Again at age 17. Attends St Helen's Bishopsgate, London. Bible study leader, PCC and Deanery Synod member.
Worked in children's intensive care for over twenty years. Presently a Charge Nurse on PICU at the Evelina London Children's Hospital.

Rosanne Ball

Rose qualified as a Paediatric nurse in 2004 and worked on paediatric surgical and medical wards in Cardiff before moving to the accident and emergency unit. She recently moved to Bristol and currently works in PICU in the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. She has nursed overseas on short term missions in various capacities. She is an active member of Christ Church in Clifton, leading one of the 20's&30's groups.

Rose says
Nursing is a challenging profession to work within but I believe that our faith should impact every area of our lives, including the way that we care for our patients, their friends and family, and each other. 

Sue Allen
Sue qualified as a nurse and a midwife and worked as a ward sister before following the educational route and becoming a Registered Nurse Tutor.   Sue completed her studies at Masters level at the University of surrey and completed a Doctorate based on action research within NHS organisations committed to integrated quality healthcare.  Sue became a Christian at the age of seven and he faith has always been central to both her personal and professional life.  Sue is a member of both the European and International Board of NCFI and coordinated the development of the four year leadership programme which focusses on a biblical Christ centred model of leadership.

Sue is familiar with the needs of patients and carers in the Health service and believes passionately that Christian values can make a real difference to meeting the needs of patients and families.

Sioned Jeffs
Sioned is from North Wales (in case her name didn't give that away!) but London is currently her home.   She did her nurse training in Manchester and qualified as an adult nurse nine years ago.  She has worked in MAU and A&E and is currently working in Intensive Care.

She finds nursing hugely rewarding.  As Christian nurses, we get paid to do what Jesus asks his followers to do: to love, to serve & to care for the sick and the vulnerable in our society.   As we learn to lean on Him, Christ equips us for our work and in His strength we can be His witnesses, even in the midst of the chaos, the politics (and the paperwork!).

Sioned says
The last nine years have been quite a journey, I have learnt some valuable lessons, and I’m still learning.  I enjoy working out what it means to live for Christ in my day to day work.  

I am excited about the work CNM are doing, and I am keen to see it grow.  My hope is that through it, Christian Nurses and Midwives will be encouraged & equipped to be a Christian voice in the workplace and I am keen to support to that work.

The CNM Staff team and the CMF CEO also sit on the Council as ex-officio members